- a book (sorry, this one is written in german): Nanoteilchen und Vortexpinning: Künstliche periodische Haftzentren auf der Nanometerskala in Supraleitern, ISBN 978-3836490849
VDM Verlag, 04/2008. Get this at
- My diploma thesis: Transportuntersuchungen an magnetischen Halbleitern
(PDF, 2 459.12 kB), this work was done at the Department of Semiconductor Physics, Ulm University
- My PhD thesis: Nanoteilchen als Ausgangspunkt für künstliche Pinningzentren in Supraleitern
(PDF, 3992 kB), Institute for Solid State Physics, Ulm University
- A. Koeder, W. Schoch, S. Frank, R. Kling, M. Oettinger, V. Avrutin, W. Limmer, R. Sauer and A. Waag: Ferromagnetic GaMnAs for spintronic devices Proceedings of SPIE, 5023:469, 2003.
- A. Waag, R. Kling, A. Köder, S. Frank, M. Oettinger, W. Schoch, W. Limmer and R. Sauer: Epitaxy and characterization of GaMn(N)As for spin electronicsPhysica E 13:593, 2002.
- R. Kling, A. Köder, W. Schoch, S. Frank, M. Oettinger, W. Limmer, R. Sauer, A. Waag: Influence of nitrogen incorporation on structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Ga1-xMnxAs Solid State Communications, 124:207, 2002.
- J. Eisenmenger, M. Oettinger, C. Pfahler, A. Plettl, P. Walther and P. Ziemann: Temperature-dependent matching in a flux-line lattice interacting with a triangular array of pinning centers without long-range order Phys. Rev. B, 75:144514, 2007. (Also published in the May 1 ,2007 issue of the Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity)